At Raybase, we believe in the power of story,
and our mission is to help you tell yours.
At Raybase, we believe in the power of story,
and our mission is to help you tell yours.
Raybase has the imagination, insight and technical expertise required to transform your ideas into powerful persuative presentations on screen.
Raybase offers full service video production to television networks worldwide. Our TV programs are highly evaluated by world’s major broadcasts.
We value the long term relationships we have with our clients allowing us to create powerful high-end video that have a tremendous impact on the customers.
Kaetsu Motomitsu worked as a producer for NBC News at Tokyo 2020 Olympic
Kaetsu Motomitsu worked as a producer for NBC News at Tokyo 2020 Olympic
Kaetsu Motomitsu worked as a producer for NBC News at Tokyo 2020 Olympic
Kaetsu Motomitsu worked as a producer for NBC News at Tokyo 2020 Olympic
Directed and Filmed the Japan scene for CNA - Space Farmers
Filmed in Tokyo for Amuse Guele, RTS Suisse
Filmed in Kyoto for Amuse Guele, RTS Suisse
CM - Tokyo Keizai University
TOEIC Japan / IIBC in Taipei
Mitsubishi Electric - TOKYO2020 Promotion
MIZARU installation at Burning Man
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries - Anti-radiation robot
BREMEN "DaisyDaisy" Music Video
Raybase LLC produced location coordinate and casting for Jay Hardway - Electric Elephants
AJINOMOTO Global Story
Camera by Kaetsu Motomitsu
Toshiba Corporation Develops Lifelike Communication Android
代表:嘉悦 基光
日本大学芸術学部 映画学科 (監督コース) 卒業
日本大学大学院 映像芸術専攻 芸術学修士
2005年 Apple入社、トレーナーとして様々なアプリケーションのトレーニングに従事。
2009年 クリエイティブ・プロダクション勤務を経て独立。
2014年4月 レイベース合同会社を設立。
Kaetsu Motomitsu is an award-winning Film Director / DP with significant experience in Digital and 16mm/35mm Film format. Highly educated and skilled in Cinematography, Directing, Editing, and Producing for film and video productions.
Certified trainer on Apple Pro applications including Final Cut Studio, Mac OSX. Significant teaching skills in NLE Editing System.
3 years of working experience in Apple as a trainer. Advanced knowledge of video production and image processing applications.
Nihon University Graduate School of Art, Tokyo, Japan - Master of Arts in Image Arts, 2001
Nihon University College of Art, Department of Cinema, Tokyo, Japan - Bachelor of Arts in Film Directing, 1998
英文社名:Raybase LLC
所在地:〒216-0015 神奈川県川崎市宮前区菅生